JOHN B. HUNTERSeveral men were prominent in the cattle raising or driving industry, but little is known about their efforts. Not enough is available on each individual so this combined report will cite them. John B. Hunter – McCoy stated that Hunter had been shipping cattle since the 1840s. He began by sending as few as 25 head at a time to St. Louis. In succeeding years he increased the amount until he was one of the largest operators in that market. He also shipped hogs and developed a large farm near Greenville in Bond County. Joseph Mallory – He brought a herd of Texas cattle to Illinois, possibly to his home in Piatt County, in 1852. These he grazed and fattened until June, 1853 when he sold part of the herd to Seymour Renick. Renick drove them to LaPorte, Indiana and then by rail and boat to eventual sale in New York City. James McConnell – Born in Ireland he came to the U.S. in 1811 and to Illinois in 1842. While known as possibly the largest sheep raiser in the country, he also raised prize Devons, as noted by The Prairie Farmer in 1843. He died January 7, 1867. Edward Piper – Numerous sources credit him with the first trail herd driven out of Texas. His 1846 drive of 1000 head went through Missouri, and presumably Illinois, to his final destination of Ohio. Most of the information I have is already on these pages, but if you have a question, go ahead and write and I'll see if I can help you. If you'd prefer to send a paper letter, I can be reached at: Ed Link 3548 Winhaven Drive Waukegan, IL 60087-1403 |